AX Propeller Pump VDVM Pump for the Gentle Handling of Solids 
The AX is an axial flow (propeller) 
in Suspension (vortex)
pump designed for efficiently  The VDVM pumps are especially 
transporting relatively high flows at  designed for the gentle handling of 
low heads and for mixing products in  small solid particles in suspension. 
suspension in the food, processing  Typical applications are the transport 
and general industries.The range goes of vegetables,fruits,shrimps,shellfish, 
 up to 300 /h / 1.300 US.GPM,  waste water, tannery waste,  etc.
6 m / 20 ft, 7,5 kW / 10 HP.
IM Immersable Pump Conventional AODD Pumps
The pump casing of the IM range is  OptiFlo - AODD - Air Operated Double Diaphragm pumps
With the new OptiFlo design we 
submersed in the fluid.The IM range is  have succeeded in reducing the 
characterized by a long stainless steel  drawbacks of conventional AODD 
shaft and adapter flange. The pump  pumps, such as heavy pulsation, 
head is placed in the medium. No  stalling air valves, cost of spares, 
mechanical seal is required.This makes  noisy operation, downtime.
this construction ideal for f.i. hot oil or 
galvanic substances.